New Life

And so begins our bold ministry to the Antakarana. Whether working in the rice fields, sitting on our porches or fishing, we will speak of the God of creation and boast of him in all that we do, lifting up prayers and thanks to him as our friends watch and see that he is a part of every aspect of our lives.

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Thoughts on Joy and Suffering

I know that my aches and pains are really not that big of a deal. But we all deal with pain in some form or another, from the seemingly small to the catastrophic, and it occurs in every possible situation in which we find ourselves.

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As a Child

Can you imagine being born again? Everything you see is for the first time. The world is bright and the sights are strange. Everyone’s talking at you and they’re clearly excited to see you, but none of it makes sense: it all just sounds like gibberish…

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New Beginnings

First impressions are crucial. People often remember how they first met someone, what they seemed like, how they acted. Opinions of other people, their character, and their motivations are often formed in the first few minutes of being around them…

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The Sacrifice

The chanting began as everyone gathered behind the stones. I was summoned, and one older lady came over to help me tie my traditional cloth properly around my body. Then I was told to take off my shoes. She walked with me over the burning hot sand to where everyone was already seated…

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The Fake

I stood on the beach, arms crossed, staring out at the clear blue water of the ocean as tears slowly trickled down my face. Then almost as soon as they began they were finished. My eyes hardened as well as my heart. I was angry with God.

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In the village of Antenina where Adam and I went with a team of 6 other people to do ministry and community development, there is an old man who never comes out of his hut or speaks to anyone, not even his family. His name is Fongy. He refuses to bathe, he won’t cut his hair or his nails and he never…

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The Old Life and the New

Even Madagascar’s biggest cities are relatively undeveloped, with traditional markets being the main source of food, few paved roads, and most homes without indoor plumbing. But we went a long ways even from that…

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Pressing On

It was three days before the day we’ve long waited for: the day we’d leave town, take a long ride in a van, go about one hour upriver by canoe, then three hours over hills and through rice fields by foot, and finally arrive in the village of Ambodihazina, where we’d begin a new work – making relationships, learning village life in Madagascar…

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Video Introduction

Watch this video for an introduction to the Antakarana people and our work among them

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