Children of God
Posted by Lora | Dec 14, 2017 | Featured, Madagascar | 1
Our Double Lives
Posted by Adam | Oct 19, 2017 | Featured, Madagascar | 0
The End of a Season
by Adam | Oct 21, 2020 | Featured, Madagascar | 0
Early in September, we were away from home for one week. When we returned, we learned that our...
Read MoreChildren of God
by Lora | Dec 14, 2017 | Featured, Madagascar | 1
Our children have become some of the regular village kids. They squat nearby as they watch a man build his canoe. They gather in the crowded cooking hut with all the other village kids to eat a plate of rice and sour mango salad…
Read MoreOur Double Lives
by Adam | Oct 19, 2017 | Featured, Madagascar | 0
Where we are now is about as close as we can come to being on the exact opposite side of the world from where we were just a month ago. Sometimes that’s what it can feel like, going from one side of the planet to the other – like we’re standing upside down…
Read MoreTreasure
by Steve Orner | Apr 24, 2017 | Featured, Madagascar | 2
How could I take a 9-month-old, and a 2 ½-year-old and a 4-year-old to a place where they could get sick or hurt and be days away from medical care? A place with no schools, where my wife and I would have to struggle to educate them, where they would be exposed to demonic activity and where child trafficking happens? I was ashamed of myself that I was not strong enough to pay that price.
Read MoreTraveling in the US
by Adam | Jan 27, 2017 | Featured, Madagascar | 0
We’ve been working on our travel and speaking schedule while here in the US, and we’re excited about all the opportunities that have come up. Read here for an up-to-date list of our travel and speaking schedule while in the US.
Read MorePHOTOS: Our Team Arrives on Nosy Mitsio! Nov 2014 – June 2015
In November 2014, our team finally arrived to join us on Nosy Mitsio, Madagascar! Here are photos of their first 8 months in Madagascar, activities and learning as a team, a Malagasy “rodeo”, a local funeral, a couple med-evac’s, and more. 110 photos
Read MoreNew Life
by Lora | Nov 5, 2015 | Featured, Madagascar | 1
And so begins our bold ministry to the Antakarana. Whether working in the rice fields, sitting on our porches or fishing, we will speak of the God of creation and boast of him in all that we do, lifting up prayers and thanks to him as our friends watch and see that he is a part of every aspect of our lives.
Read MorePHOTOS: Living Life on Nosy Mitsio, Dec 2013 – Nov 2014
These are all the photos since we found and purchased our team boat (Dec 2013), finished building and stocking all the homes of our team members, and went to Tana to pick them up in Nov 2014. During that whole time, we continued learning language, building relationships, getting used to life on Nosy Mitsio, and just getting ready for our team’s arrival. 153 photos
Read MoreThe Mess of Life
by Lora | May 14, 2014 | Featured, Madagascar | 1
It’s quiet here, nothing but the sound of light waves hitting the shore. Everybody’s gone to a spirit possession ceremony and party. Apparently the spirit of someone’s grandfather is sitting inside of her and has made her sick for two years. The spirit needs to be called out so it…
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Video Introduction
Watch this video for an introduction to the Antakarana people and our work among them
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Recent Posts
- New Beginnings July 6, 2021
- The In-between Time January 28, 2021
- The End of a Season October 21, 2020
- Strangers in the Land August 11, 2020
- An Empty Basket May 6, 2020